I like these 7 second videos. Minimal commitment with usually...
I like these 7 second videos. Minimal commitment with usually maximum satisfaction.
A boxer enjoying a lime.
A boxer enjoying a lime.
This happens EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.
This happens EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.
This guy plays the tune of Jason Mraz - "I'm...
This guy plays the tune of Jason Mraz - "I'm Yours" using two Nokia Phones
> Some guy in Mongolia is like "Who the **** keeps calling me!??"
> I think this guy has found his
( •_•)>⌐■-■
> How do people play two different rhythms on two different hands with one brain? I can't even comprehend. Maybe I'm stupid. :(
Angry bird saying WTF.
Angry bird saying WTF.
3 year old girl explains the complexities of childbirth in 4...
3 year old girl explains the complexities of childbirth in 4 seconds.
Amazing cup trick > The coolest thing done with cups...
Amazing cup trick
> The coolest thing done with cups since… holding liquids.
2 grown men go through a labor simulation > I lost it at...
2 grown men go through a labor simulation
> I lost it at "STOP SMILING!!!!"
Visual effects done right!!!
Visual effects done right!!!
Well trained dog struggles retrieving his Frisbee without...
Well trained dog struggles retrieving his Frisbee without breaking the rules
> Genuinely felt a little tickle of pride when he managed to get it at the end.
videohall: Scared kitten goes crazy > That cat wants some...
Scared kitten goes crazy
> That cat wants some carpet for traction so bad.
> I was not expecting it to be that good.
Kitty in a can > I'm all happy now.
Kitty in a can
> I'm all happy now.
Ryan Gosling won't eat his cereal > I could not stop...
Ryan Gosling won't eat his cereal
> I could not stop laughing when I watched this. He clearly just didn't want any cereal.
> I laughed for a good 37 seconds.
Dog doesn't want kisses > This dog has incredible...
Dog doesn't want kisses
> This dog has incredible comedic timing.
> Remember your place, human.
Toddler lets dad know who's boss > I could take this toddler...
Toddler lets dad know who's boss
> I could take this toddler in a fight. Would not be starting shiz with me.
> "No kank you"
> I'm laughing just like the dad this is too funny especially if you have kids.
Durex just nailed the long distance relationship. Touch over the...
Durex just nailed the long distance relationship. Touch over the internet
> 99.9999987% of these will be used by camgirls. Just saying.
> I hate when people use their cellphone at the dinner table, but this could be really fun during our "date night out".
> This just seems like it would leave both parties unsatisfied.
> Durex, helping loved ones stay faithful since 2013.
When bored at the beach
When bored at the beach
Cat and vacuum cleaner > Wow, this is a really great cat...
Cat and vacuum cleaner
> Wow, this is a really great cat video. The cat is cute, I've never seen another cat do this before and the quality is great.
10/10 would watch again.
> The licking was pretty funny but when it stuck its face in there I started cry-laughing.
> mmm delicious wind.
> hahaha so cute, i enjoy when he gets sucked in, and decides to punish the hose, slapping it a few times, before nomming again
Husky throws a temper tantrum for watching TV on the couch....
Husky throws a temper tantrum for watching TV on the couch. Cutest tantrum I've ever seen
> Luka: Why? I know it's just for some bs.
> "I'm coming" -Dog (at the end)
> "Mooooooom, let me finish my shoooooow."
Guy does excellent "laughing" without smiling >...
Guy does excellent "laughing" without smiling
> He should do this on public transportation.
> I thought it was someone behind the camera laughing at first, but then the fake laugh made him laugh,and both laughs were exactly the same and that made me laugh and now we're all laughing.
> That is incredibly disturbing to watch…over and over again…
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